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Carnegie Mellon University

Tartan Tuesdays

Throughout the academic year, you are encouraged to wear Carnegie Mellon University apparel to show your Tartan pride. Participating is simple — just sport the latest university store gear, your favorite student organization shirt, a simple CMU baseball cap or any other Tartan swag on Tuesdays.

Prizes and Redemptions

Tartan Tuesday participants have the chance to win prizes, like more CMU apparel, by visiting the Alumni House (5017 Forbes Ave.) Tuesdays from noon to 5 p.m. and spinning the Tartan Wheel. Spins can earn points, which can be accumulated and redeemed for prizes during Tartan Tuesdays hours. Prizes are limited.

Note: Tartan Tuesday does not occur during fall or spring breaks.

Tartan Tuesdays is sponsored by the Carnegie Mellon University Alumni Association.